Not to worry--this is just a switch from Avalon Logging to Commons Logging within HEAD [1]. The conversion required 100's of changes, I did the bulk grunt work, and then both Jeremias and Simon corrected the implementation and did some specialty conversions that were outside my knowledge. I have a little bit more to research on the 1/4 remaining.

Also while you've been gone:
-- Joerg and Chris are on vacation. -- Simon is currently running for committer [2]--bitte wählen!!! (hmmm...or is it the *Austrians* that speak German? I keeping getting the two mixed up... ;)



Peter B. West wrote:

Resending, as I had been un-subscribed due to mail bounces.

Glen et al,

I have been severely distracted over the past couple of weeks, and I
seem to have lost a good deal of mail in the process.  Can you give me a
reference to the patch.  Sorry I didn't get around to replying to a
question of yours about the effects on alt-design integration of a patch
you wanted to apply.



gmazza 2004/04/08 20:05:40

Modified: src/java/org/apache/fop/apps
3/4ths of Simon's patch committed at the moment, with minor changes
Revision Changes Path
1.17 +19 -37 xml-fop/src/java/org/apache/fop/apps/

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