Thanks--you're the first I've heard using it.

May I ask:  

1) Do you manually create the FO document from scratch
similar to the first example I gave in my previous
email?  Or, do you preload an FO file into a DOM tree,
navigate it, do minor manipulations, and then send it
off to be published into PDF?

2) Is using DOM Trees an optimal way for you to do
your work, or is it just legacy code you don't wish to
disturb?  (I.e., if you had to rewrite it from the
beginning, would you still use DOM Trees?)


--- Manuel Mall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> From: "Glen Mazza" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Team,
> > 
> > But does anyone generate FO documents via DOM
> Trees
> > anymore?
> Yes, we do in a back office "fop intensive" server
> application.
> Manuel

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