
Thanks for your reply.

On Sun, Jul 25, 2004 at 12:46:03PM -0700, Clay Leeds wrote:
> Simon,
> I have been working at getting the xml-fop web site working for many 
> months (at first using forrest-0.5.1, and more recently with 
> forrest-0.6 since they're about to release a new version). More 
> recently, I've had some success, but I'm currently working with the 
> forrest-dev list to get them resolved--and we've made progress[1] & 
> [1a].

I appreciate that that is not an easy problem to solve.
> (More comments inline)
> On Jul 25, 2004, at 11:41 AM, Simon Pepping wrote:
> >I have tried to build the site with forrest, without much success. I
> >had a few problems:
> >
> >1. Validation error. I solved this problem by creating an OASIS 
> >catalog.
> I solved this by essentially replacing the xml-fop/.../sitemap.xmap 
> file with a 'clean' version from forrest. I then added the ==== FOP 
> ADDITIONS ==== section.

When online, validation succeeds because the system ids point to the
CVS. Offline, most validation succeeds due to forrest's catalog, which
points to local copies of the DTDs. This does not work for
compliance.xml, which uses its own DTD. There is an SGML Open Catalog
for it, but apparently that is not used. I added an OASIS XML catalog,
and now the local copy of the DTD in my CVS working directory is used.
> >2. Files in build/webapps/content are missing. These problems can be 
> >solved
> >   by copying src/documentation/content into webapps, or by replacing
> >   in sitemap-0.5.xmap all source references to content/ with
> >   {project:content}, whatever that may mean.
> I don't recall why a sitemap-0.5.xmap was created, but I removed it 
> completely.

It is still in our CVS repository. And it is the sitemap which forrest
uses in my local build.

Regards, Simon

Simon Pepping
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