> -----Original Message-----
> From: Glen Mazza [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi Glen,

> Does anyone have a problem if I worked towards
> removing the initialize() method from our
> LayoutManager interface?

No objections here at first glance, however ... (see below)

> The relatively few cases in
> our LM subclasses where we are using it each appear to
> show that they can initialize themselves -- the method
> is currently only being used to query traits from an
> already available FObj, so the need for external
> initialization isn't apparent to me.

Not really sure about this myself, but could the point be to accommodate
trait-setting for markers (since these have to be formatted according to the
FObj into which they are 'retrieved' --so there we need to be able to query
the latter)? In that case, we should, of course, make sure that such
functionality remains available to all LMs for the allowed children of
markers... which would come down to practically all LMs :-/

Can anyone clarify?



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