The Web Maestro wrote:

> e-mail... I suspect there may be another 'side' to the 
> story--there  always is--and that there's may be other 
> contributing factors... but this helps me understand much 
> more than I understood before. Your explanation below also 

Yes, there is another side, and I respect that. The point is that the
differences are hard-wired at a pretty low-level (think silicon instead of
Java). I am constitutionally unable to make myself work on a project that
*can* be broken up into smaller pieces and isn't. Others appear to be
constitutionally unable to allow that to happen. Most can probably live with
it either way. OK, not every problem is solvable, and not every difference
is reconcilable. We go on. You guys pull east, I'll pull west, and as long
as we're pulling *different* wagons, we each have a shot at making some

> Might these links help:

I think those are the "other" books, but, to tell the truth, after looking
at the links, I can't tell. I'll have to go dig out my old notes to see
which book I was wanting. I'll check into it further. Thanks.

Victor Mote

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