I'm afraid I will still need my copies. You can order copies from here:

(that's actually "Digital Typography" which also contains that chapter
in question)


Just out of curiosity and because you ask for these two papers: Are you
considering working on FOP's layout engine?

On 27.05.2005 15:41:16 Gil Loureiro wrote:
> Hi all,
> Someone have this papers/dissertions that can share?:
>    - Donald E. Knuth and Michael F. Plass, "Breaking paragraphs into
> lines": Software—Practice and Experience, 11:1119–1184 (1981).
>    - Michael F. Plass, Optimal Pagination Techniques for Automatic
> Typesetting Systems. PhD thesis, Department of Computer Science, Stanford
> University, June 1981. Report no. STANCS-81-870.

Jeremias Maerki

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