On Sun, Nov 20, 2005 at 10:57:37AM +0100, Christian Geisert wrote:
> Simon Pepping schrieb:
> >I had a look at some other Apache projects:
> >
> >cocoon:                      latest
> >excalibur:           current
> >jakarta-struts: current
> >lucene:                      current
> >jakarta-regexp: current
> >james:                       current
> >logging/log4j:       latest=1.2.12, unstable=1.3alpha7
> >rivet:                       current
> >tomcat:                      5.0.30beta = link to 5.0.30
> >ws-jaxme:            current
> >
> >I propose the following:
> >
> >unstable is a link to 0.90
> >0.90alpha1 is a link to 0.90
> >current is a link to 0.20.5
> Are you talking about the documentation or the download directory now?

In principle, both. These names could certainly be applied to the
download directory, and we could use them also in the documentation.

It is a bit debian-like. Everything has a real name and a symbolic
name (more a role name).


Simon Pepping
home page: http://www.leverkruid.nl

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