On Dec 1, 2005, at 18:13, Jeremias Maerki wrote:


<snip />
Now, considering a content IPD of "0pt". What shall we do with it? I'm
currently letting it through. This produces block areas with very large BPD due to the many breaks, i.e. each break is chosen as concrete break.
Text is painted outside the content rectangle. I know such a situation
is almost certainly a bug in the stylesheet and this situation somewhat
esotheric but still... I'm not sure what to do. The other idea is to
skip the FO if the available IPD for its contents is 0pt.

How about interpreting an explicit "0pt" as "auto"? The result will still look acceptable in most cases. Combined with a warning that this fallback is used, this would enable the user to locate the problem. If the fallback doesn't bug him, but he wants FOP to stop complaining, he will still know what to look for in his XSL-FO source.

If anyone has some cool ideas, I'd be grateful,...

Something like the above? :-)



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