On Sun, Dec 04, 2005 at 02:25:22PM +0100, Andreas L Delmelle wrote:
> On Dec 4, 2005, at 13:35, Simon Pepping wrote:
> >It is indeed not really a FOP issue.
> >
> >The docbook stylesheets seem to be a pain for most XSLT
> >processors. Restricting myself to Java XSLT processors, I
> >have only been successful with Saxon6. Xalan and the Xalan processor
> >built into Java 5 cannot compile the docbook/fo stylesheets.
> >
> >This can be achieved by putting saxon.jar first in the classpath.
> FYI other options include:
> - modifying your %JAVA_HOME%/lib/jaxp.properties file (or creating  
> one if it doesn't exist)
> - supplying the property via java's '-D' command-line option
> The second one would still require a modification to the shell  
> script, maybe in the form of an optional parameter you can pass to  
> the script. If the parameter is present, the java command-line at the  
> bottom of the script can be made to take into account the override  
> for that particular system property. (So, this could turn out to be  
> beneficial in other areas as well, where the user needs to override  
> sysprops... Could this solve the issue of using catalogs?)

No. Catalogs can only be used by registering an EntityResolver with
the XMLReader and a URIResolver with the Transformer. FOP's CLI code
currently just does not do this.
> How about allowing:
> fop -sysprop ... -fo ... -pdf ...
> The -sysprop switch is caught by the shell script, and incorporated  
> into the java command-line.
> (Using '-D' here would create confusion with FOP's own '-d' switch,  
> unless we were to allow only the slightly more verbose '-debug')

Users do not like to have to know the name of such an obscure
property. Configuring the class path is already a lot to ask from
someone not interested in Java per se.


Simon Pepping
home page: http://www.leverkruid.nl

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