On Wed, Dec 21, 2005 at 11:03:59AM +0100, Jeremias Maerki wrote:
> Yes, digging up the right system properties is a nuisance, but you only
> have to do it once. Have a look at the attached screen shots that show
> how I set up the launch config for running the FOP test suite. You can
> see that I simply add an "x" somewhere to effectively disable the
> setting for a system property. Like this I'm can change the parameters to
> the test suite very quickly. Maybe that helps make things easier.

Thanks. The "x" is a nice trick.

It would be good to have a document describing the system properties
of the test suites. If you do not do it, I will write one.

I see you have a project 'FOP Temp', which probably is a copy of
project FOP. I have a problem making a copy of a project, when I make
a copy of the working directory for a specific task. Esp. one has to
duplicate the lauch configurations. I solve it by reusing the same
symlink on Unix. Is there an easier way to work with a changing set of
copies of the working directory?


Simon Pepping
home page: http://www.leverkruid.nl

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