Manuel Mall wrote:

IMO nbsp (and any other Unicode special spaces) are outside the scope of XSL-FO whitespace handling. XSL-FO refers to whitespace as defined in XML. In XML only x#20, x#9, x#a, and x#d are considered whitespace. Therefore nbsp does not need to be considered when looking at white-space-treatment and white-space-collapse. Would that approach remove the complications you mentioned?

Thanks for the clarification, Manuel!

This solves the first supposed problem (interaction between nbsp and pretty-printing spaces), but the second one is still open: what happens if we have
  someContent<nbsp><space>otherContent ?
*IF* (and I'm not at all sure about this) there can be a break , then both spaces should be discarded: in order to implement the correct behaviour for this almost hypothetical situation, we would need to create elements for both spaces as a whole (and thay could belong to different LMs) otherwise the algorithm would not be able to ignore the nbsp during the line breaking.

Anyway I think this is quite an unlikely combination of entities and properties :-) ; as I see you are already working on something else, for the moment I will prepare a patch for the most common situations.


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