As you will have seen, during the last couple of days, I've been doing
performance improvements in the area of the area tree parser and the
renderers. In the meantime, I've probably squeezed out everything that
fit under the 80:20 rule in these parts.

Here's some background why performance in this area is especially
important for those using the area tree parser: With it, some
large-volume document production systems can do online production of
single documents. They are saved in the intermediate format. At some
point, a print stream is to be generated (all pending documents are
concatenated together, packaging information applied etc. etc.) and sent
to a printer. This process has to be very fast, or rather, as much
processing time should be spent preparing the intermediate format and as
little as possible bringing the documents together in their final format.

ATM, the area tree parser still eats up around 40%, around 5-10% are
environmental tasks (which I want to improve next week) and the rest is
rendering time. By taking our area tree model as intermediate format we
have a certain complexity in the whole thing that causes FOP to be about
3 to 5 times slower than the processing of XEP's intermediate format.

So, if anyone has any ideas how we could considerably improve our area
tree to reduce the overall complexity short off switching the whole area
tree model or coming up with a new intermediate format, that would be

Jeremias Maerki

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