You don't need revision numbers. We're doing a clean job of tagging (SVN
term: copying) our codebase. If, for example, you want the revision that
xmlgraphics-commons-1.0.jar was built with, checkout (or switch to):

It is a convention that nobody commits a change agains a directory under
the "tags" directory after it has been created.

The only times you need revision numbers is when referencing a
particular change or if you want to merge stuff. Otherwise, you can
always work with the HEAD revision.

I suggest you throw an eye into the excellent SVN book:

The most important thing you need to understand is that in SVN a
revision is not a revision of a particular file, but the revision of the
whole repository, i.e. a revision indicates a particular state of the
repository at a specified point in time.

On 18.04.2006 13:01:04 Peter West wrote:
> A couple of questions. Is there currently any way to get the svn
> revision number of a given fop or commons jar? This presumes that a
> given jar has been built from a single revision, of course.
> Tags seem to work differently in svn. It seem possible to create a
> tag/branch from components of many revisions and branches. Committing
> that tag creates a new revision that includes the tag, AFAICT. If that
> is the case, how do I tell that a particular build occurred against a
> given tag or branch, as opposed to the trunk?
> There seems to be no compact way, given a working directory set, whether
> that set is a reflection of a single revision. status -v appears to give
> me current revision number and last change revision number of every
> file. Is there a 'give me the revision number of this tree, if it is
> consistent' command?
> Peter

Jeremias Maerki

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