Jeremias Maerki wrote:

Fabio Gianetti made a good comment [1]. I answered like this [2]. I'm
currently thinking about how best to implement this. To keep it simple
for the moment, we could implement "always" like before but
remove/disable the overflow recovery I've implemented. That way, the
content would again overflow. All integer values could be implemented as
penalty=999 for the moment (thus allow some relaxing), at least until we
have a good scheme about mapping integer keeps to penalty values like we
started to discuss some time ago. However, this would disable the
possibility to shove an element ahead n pages in the hope that there
will be a page that the element fits on (the purpose of the overflow
recovery). But that will be a very rare thing anyway, so I don't think
there's any harm. Any objections?

Well until integer values for keeps are implemented I object to implementing always such that it generates overflow on a page. The ability to error or clip gives little comfort to users either.

Personally I prefer the Renderer to relax the keep-together="always" if required. Fabio seems to suggest in his post that it is implementation dependent what happens in this situation. Maybe we could have a configuration option?



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