Andreas L Delmelle writes:
 > > All the property
 > > classes are supposed to be immutable even though some of them  
 > > aren't and
 > > none of them use final members. Is this all correct so far?
 > True, and this could be much improved, I'd say...

OK. I'll take a look at it. Whilst I'm at it I'll try and standardize
some of the structure. What's the correct coding convention for
ordering inner classes relative to members?

 > AFAIU, way back when, the situation was far worse than it is now:
 > Instead of having members for only the applicable properties  
 > described in the XSL-FO Rec., each FONode used to have one  
 > PropertyList as an instance member.


 > Seems like a fine idea. The Makers will then become responsible for  
 > checking whether an identical Property was already instantiated  
 > earlier, and create a new one only if there wasn't.



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