On 21.02.2007 20:01:07 Andreas L Delmelle wrote:
> Anyone here going to Amsterdam (or: 'staying there' would be more  
> fitting for Simon) in May?

I will definitely be there (Tuesday to Friday). 

> I can make it only on the opening day, since that is a legal holiday  
> over here, so I have no other obligations interfering with my being  
> present there this time, as was the case the previous editions.
> I had some leave planned last October, to attend the Cocoon  
> GetTogether, but was ultimately forced to cancel. :(
> Fortunately, the 01/05 holiday recurs every year, and cannot be  
> cancelled.
> I'd love to finally meet some of you guys in the flesh over there.

Same here, although I already know quite a few. But it's still good to
see everyone again.

Jeremias Maerki

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