On Wed, 2007-10-31 at 15:05 +1000, Peter B. West wrote:
> Mark C. Allman wrote:
> > On Tue, 2007-10-30 at 13:32 -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> >>> Try
> >>>
> >>> OLD_IFS=$IFS
> >>> IFS="
> >>> "
> >>> find ${FOP}/lib -name -name '*.jar'|while read jarfile
> >>> do
> >>>       if [ -z "$LOCALCLASSPATH" ] ; then
> >>>         LOCALCLASSPATH="$jarfile"
> >>>       else
> >>>         LOCALCLASSPATH="$jarfile"${pathSepChar}$LOCALCLASSPATH
> >>>       fi
> >>> done
> >>> IFS=$OLD_IFS
> >>>
> >> find "${FOP}/lib" -name '*.jar'|while read jarfile
> >> do
> >>       if [ -z "$LOCALCLASSPATH" ] ; then
> >>         LOCALCLASSPATH=$jarfile
> >>       else
> >>         LOCALCLASSPATH=$jarfile${pathSepChar}$LOCALCLASSPATH
> >>       fi
> >> done
> >>
> >> would be almost perfect, and avoid the need for the change of IFS,
> >> except that
> >> the call to find places the whole while loop in a subshell, and
> >> updates of
> >> LOCALCLASSPATH are lost when it returns. 
> > 
> > Change to:
> > 
> >         for jarfile in `find "${FOP}/lib" -name '*.jar'`; do
> >               if [ -z "$LOCALCLASSPATH" ] ; then
> >                 LOCALCLASSPATH=$jarfile
> >               else
> >                LOCALCLASSPATH=$jarfile${pathSepChar}$LOCALCLASSPATH
> >               fi
> >         done
> > 
> > -- Mark C, Allman, PMP
> > -- Allman Professional Consulting, Inc.
> > -- www.allmanpc.com, 617-947-4263
> > 
> > BusinessMsg -- the secure, managed, J2EE/AJAX Enterprise IM/IC solution
> I think this brings back the original problem.
> Peter

We've fixed this before (more than once, I think), so I'll dig up what
we did and re-post it.  I thought this was a new problem.

We used something in Cygwin to fix up path strings.  You'd use it in the
loop to fix each path for prepending.  I didn't have time last night to
find it (worked on a business plan).

-- Mark C, Allman, PMP
-- Allman Professional Consulting, Inc.
-- www.allmanpc.com, 617-947-4263

BusinessMsg -- the secure, managed, J2EE/AJAX Enterprise IM/IC solution

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