On Apr 30, 2008, at 00:36, HLeonardi wrote:


I encounter some difficulties to generate a pdf with nested table: the table
maybe not well rendered (see
http://leohome.free.fr/download/fop-test/table-test.png) or fop crashes,
depending of the complexity of the table.
Is there any work around about nested tables? If it is the case, I can make
and send tests about it.

Which version are you using? I'm not aware of issues with nested tables, so if you could supply us with some sample FOs that reproduce your problems that would be very helpful. If you have studied the FO already, and are pretty sure that FOP's behavior is buggy, then you could create an entry in Bugzilla (*) for it.

(*) https://issues.apache.org/bugzilla/enter_bug.cgi?product=Fop



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