Why deprecate? It's not part of our external API. We can simply remove
the method if it's dangerous.

On 16.06.2008 17:28:01 Luca Furini wrote:
> On Mon, Jun 16, 2008 at 4:52 PM,  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Fixing the PageBreakingAlgorithm, replacing calls to getLineWidth() with 
> > getLineWidth(int)
> > so  as to take into account each page's real height.
> > This fixes the positioning of footnotes when the page bpd is not the same 
> > for all pages.
> This was a little nasty bug I stumbled upon a few days ago, and it
> took me some time to track back where the problem was ...
> The PageBreakingAlgorithm, in particular the computeDifference()
> method, had some calls to getLineWidth() without parameters and some
> other with an int parameter indicating the page.
> When the page bpd changes from page to page, the two methods returned
> different values, with the effect that the algorithm first believed it
> could place a whole footnote in the page, and then found out that this
> led to an overflow.
> In order to avoid similar problems, the parameter-less getLineWidth()
> method could maybe be deprecated?
> Regards
>     Luca

Jeremias Maerki

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