I've tested only on Windows with Sun JDK 6.0_03 (dual core,
non-multithreaded in MemoryEater). The reporter will have had a
different setup but I don't know what it is without asking back. I
believe it's JVM-independent. cleanSegment() does get called but I
suspect it doesn't get called regularly for all segments to have the
wanted effect of a clean-up.

I'm attaching my changes I've done while debugging. It might help you if
you want to write out those statistics I've shown. Please note that I
made CacheEntry static which makes the instance smaller.

Good luck and thanks for helping!

On 21.08.2008 18:38:51 Andreas Delmelle wrote:
> On Aug 21, 2008, at 18:20, Jeremias Maerki wrote:
> Hi Jeremias
> > I've been made aware of a slow memory leak. I was able to identify
> > PropertyCache as the leaker. It appears as if the cache segments don't
> > get cleaned correctly. The majority of CacheEntry instances have a
> > cleared reference but don't get removed from the buckets. In time that
> > accumulates to millions of stale CacheEntries and a performance
> > degradation.
> Ouch!
> Did you happen to run the test on multiple platforms/JVMs? Are the  
> results the same?
> I'll see if I can debug it on OS X tonight, to have a closer look at  
> what happens during cleanSegment() (and whether it gets called at all)
> I'll post back once I have done this.
> Later,
> Andreas

Jeremias Maerki

Attachment: PropertyCache debug patch.txt
Description: Binary data

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