Hi Vincent,

hmmyes, that's tricky. An (atend) requires a corresponding comment in
the end, but <resources> is defined to provide at least one item. An
ugly work-around would be to always list "Helvetica" as needed resources
and to generate a corresponding %%IncludeResource although it might
never be used.

At any rate, this happens only with the resource optimization disabled.
I think I'd add the missing (atend) but omit the trailer comment (when
there are no needed resources) in the hope that any consumer can deal
with it. We've never had any complaints about DSC comments that caused
trouble AFAICR.

On 25.06.2010 13:07:51 Vincent Hennebert wrote:
> Hi,
> The PostScript Document Structuring Conventions Specification states
> that the %%DocumentNeededResources: comment can be specified in the
> %%Trailer section, but if this is the case it must also be present in
> the header with an (atend) value.
> http://www.adobe.com/devnet/postscript/pdfs/5001.DSC_Spec.pdf
> This is not what FOP does. I suppose that that’s because external
> resources aren’t always needed (mainly, the base 14 fonts aren’t being
> used). But if they are then the document violates the DSC specification.
> There doesn’t seem to be any easy fix for that problem. We can’t
> systematically put it in the header because then it /must/ appear in the
> %%Trailer section as well. But if no base 14 font is used then it’s not
> needed. But if a base 14 font is used then I guess it’s too late when we
> know it, the header has already been produced. That kills a bit the
> utility of the (atend) feature.
> So... WDYT?
> Thanks,
> Vincent

Jeremias Maerki

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