
I am having colour problems with AFP and wonder if the FOP community
can help me.

I have a fo:block with a non-white background- colour (an arbitrary
#AFA) and I have modified FOP  to overlay an image that is largely
composed of the same colour.  The image is defined within the
AFPPainter using
a  org.apache.xmlgraphics.java2d.Graphics2DImagePainter2D; the
Graphics2D drawing commands being defined in the pai
nt method.  This is then wrapped in a
org.apache.xmlgraphics.image.loader.impl.ImageGraphics2D and passed to
AFPPainter.drawImage.  This method is responsible for rendering the
image: A stack trace shows that a call
is responsible for generating a BufferedImage.  FOP then uses
AFPImageHandlerRenderedImage to handle the image: the bytes of the
buffered image are directly written to the AFP and the image is tagged
as an FS11 IOCA.

When I print the afp there is a visible difference in the blocks
background colour and the images background colour and so I would like
to know what sort of steps and considerations are required to resolve
this.  I am currenty unclear exactly how the coloured areas of block
like elements are represented in the AFP and how I can synchronize
this with image creation.  Whilst I research this further myself, it
would be great to have the  knowledge confirmed by other FOP
developers with experience here.

This issue has cropped whilst working on a FOP extension for drawing
rounded corners as my solution for generating them for AFP is to use
corner images.  I am not using GOCA due to print server support

I would be very grateful for any of your thoughts.



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