Another thought: try to work off a Linux with a PCL driver and print
from Adobe Acrobat. I bet there will be a difference. If it works, it's
one more point against the Windows PCL printer driver.

On 16.11.2010 15:24:35 Jeremias Maerki wrote:
> Hi Peter
> Sorry for the late feedback. I don't see anything wrong with the paint
> sequences you show here. These are basic painting operations. And I
> assume they work perfectly when viewed in Acrobat Reader or GhostScript.
> Out of experience, I can say that the PCL printer drivers of Microsoft
> origin have had problems for years (not just with FOP/Acrobat but also
> with MS Word and other tools). And each time the equivalent PostScript
> driver was used, the problem went away (see fop-users archive, too). To
> a certain degree, you can play with the driver settings. In many cases,
> I saw that the PCL driver rasterizes full pages rather than using text
> operator. Not sure if that's part of the problem.
> In the end, I'm unclear how one should be able to find out why one
> snippet below works and the other doesn't. The only real difference is
> the 90° rotation in the second example. But I can't imagine that such a
> basic operation should cause the problem. If it does, that driver is
> simply buggy and it doesn't make sense to go through hoops to try to work
> around the bug. And I can't imagine that two decimal digits more or less
> will cause any such problem.
> Have you tried printing the PDF from GhostScript/GhostView to the PCL
> printer? Or from another PDF viewer? Does the same problem occur? Have
> you tried enabling "Print as Bitmap" in Acrobat (found in the printing
> dialog under "Advanced")?
> On 12.11.2010 15:13:37 Peter Hancock wrote:
> > Dear FOP devs,
> > 
> > I am working on rounded corner support in fop (see branch
> > Temp_RoundedCorners for work in progress) and I have hit upon a
> > problem
> > whilst trying to print PDF to a printer using a PCL6 driver.
> > 
> > Borders in PDF are created using a graphical streams of primitive
> > drawing commands and the rounded variant makes use of cubic bezier
> > curves.
> > I am inconsistently not able to print rounded borders and I am hoping
> > a snippet of the graphical stream of two border sections may provide a
> > fop developer with enough
> > info to debug the problem.
> > 
> > The first snippet is part of PDF that is successfully transformed to
> > printable PLC
> >     q
> >     1 0 0 1 -10 0 cm
> >     4.393 4.393 m
> >     7.205 1.581 11.023 0 14.999 0 c
> >     383.720001 0 l
> >     387.696014 0 391.514008 1.581 394.325989 4.393 c
> >     387.255005 11.464 l
> >     386.317993 10.527 385.045013 10 383.720001 10 c
> >     15 10 l
> >     13.674 10 12.401 10.527 11.464 11.464 c
> >     h
> >     W
> >     n
> >     0 G
> >     [] 0 d 15 w
> >     0 7.5 m 398.720001 7.5 l S
> >     Q
> > 
> > The next snippet does not work
> > 
> >     q
> >     1 0 0 1 51.022999 785.195007 cm
> >     -0 -1 1 -0 0 0 cm
> >     8.302 8.302 m
> >     13.616 2.988 20.830999 0 28.344999 0 c
> >     700.156982 0 l
> >     707.671021 0 714.885986 2.988 720.200012 8.302 c
> >     716.192017 12.31 l
> >     711.940002 8.059 706.169006 5.668 700.156982 5.669 c
> >     28.346001 5.669 l
> >     22.333 5.669 16.562 8.059 12.31 12.31 c
> >     h
> >     W
> >     n
> >     0.85098 0.14902 0.254902 RG
> >     [] 0 d 28.346001 w
> >     0 14.173 m 728.502991 14.173 l S
> >     Q
> > 
> > I am aware that the problem may be in the print driver (outside the
> > scope of this list), or due to a wider context in the PDF,
> > but I am consistently able to print embedded SVGs that FOP maps to
> > equivalent graphical streams, and this leads me to conclude there may
> > be a problem with the border generation code.
> > 
> > Whilst debugging this issues I did notice that the coordinates are
> > formatted to 6 decimal places in the border painting yet to 8 dps in
> >  org.apache.fop.svg.PDFGraphics2D ( the SVG to PDF bridge).
> > Changing PDFBorderPainter to use 8 dps did not solve my problem,
> > however I am wondering why the discrepancy exists.
> > 
> > Please prompt me for more details if you are able to offer any help
> > 
> > Thanks in advance,
> > 
> > Pete
> Jeremias Maerki

Jeremias Maerki

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