Just a wild thought. But is there a way you could possibly get the JVM to 
garbage collect between each run? Maybe that might free the memory up?



On 18/05/11 13:20, Eric Douglas wrote:

I am using Fop 1.0.
I tried using Fop to transform a single document.  When I got a little over 100 
pages my FO file was over 5 MB.  The transform crashed with a Java heap out of 
memory error.

I managed to break the input down, as I'm using embedded code generating the 
input programmatically, and the PDF output is a lot smaller.

So I'm currently transforming 10 pages at a time, setting the 
initial-page-number to the next sequence (1, 11, 21, etc).

Then I save all the generated PDFs in memory and merge them using pdfbox.  So 
far this is working great.

I tried to do the same thing with the PNGRenderer, just calling a method to 
transform 10 pages at a time and save the output images in an array.

The PNGRenderer is created locally in the method.  It should be getting 
released when the method ends but the java process never releases any memory.

I tested a 90 page report and the memory use was over 1 GB.  I tested on 
another machine where the memory limit is apparently lower and it crashed on 
page 24.

Everything about the method to render to PNG is the same as the method to 
render to PDF aside from the Renderer.
Is there a problem with this renderer or something I could need to do different?

Michael Rubin








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