I would like to merge the branch branches/Temp_BasicSideFloats to trunk.
The branch has a implementation of side floats that uses the same approach
used when handling change in IPD across pages.

These are the known limitations:
-- the "clear" fo:float attribute is ignored; only the float attribute
(left or right) is used
-- overlapping of floats in the Y is not handled (even in the case there
would not be overlap in the X direction)
-- floats that extend beyond the body region are not properly handled and
will overflow past the edge of the region
-- if a float extends to bottom of the body region and there are footnotes
in the page the float may overlap with the footnote region
-- floats next to a table are not supported unless the start and end of the
table happens in between the start and end of the float

Examples can be found in the thread with subject "RFC: basic side floats"
in this mailing list.

To follow due process and since this will be a new major feature I am
launching a vote.

Please vote or report a bug before the end of Monday UTC, December 1st.

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