Greetings group,

The FopImageFactory class appears to cache all references to images from
within rendered fop documents.  If you are running FOP in a server process,
(a) this might cause a memory problem and (b) if images change between
renderings (as they do in my case), I get the old copy of the image rather
than the latest.

How would people feel about adding a static method
FopImageFactory.clearCache()?  Of course, this won't really be what is
needed 'cause if you are rendering fops in multiple threads, you might want
the cache to be a little more persistent than if each thread is flushing it
after rendering a fop...

What do folks think about this?



Peter M. Murray
s u b x, i n c.
428 Fore Street
4th Floor
Portland, Maine 04101
v. 207.775.0808
f. 617.249.0617

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