Thank you!
And so to end :-)
By using more of fo:page-sequence
I shall have no more problem of crash or slowness?
Even if my file xml is 5 Mb?

-----Message d'origine-----
De : J.Pietschmann [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Envoye : mardi 26 mars 2002 21:30
Objet : Re: problems big files xml >1Mo

> I don't think these are the best solutions because you loose some of your
> XML tag formatting with xsl:text.
Worse, the code will fail under certain circumstances, for
reasons hard to understand for the average user. It is
likely that it will always fail in future distributions
of FOP. The drawbacks of using disable-output-escaping
are discussed in regular intervals on the XSL list, search
through their archive.

A solution which always works is the following:

   <xsl:for-each select="row[position() mod 20 = 1]"/>
     <fo:page-sequence initial-page-number="whatever">
        <xsl:apply-templates select=".|following-sibling::row[position() <

This is known as "grouping by position", one of the simpler
grouping problems.

Actually, this is an XSLT problem. There is more expertise
available on the XSL list, and there is an XSL FAQ


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