At 10:51 16/05/2002 -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

... Since our users can wait for these
reports we've decided to run a nightly job to create them and store the
PDFs in our database as a BLOB.  That way during peak usage hours our
servers will only need to deal with returning the PDF to the browser.

...My question is, HOW, using FOP and JDBC can I get my PDF into the database as a BLOB.

Any Ideas would be very helpful.

I worked on a project like that. One big question: what is wrong with a file system? In other words, why tax a database with such a heavy load, when you can use the Apache HTTPD. Just write a little Perl to convert the docs as they come in, and put them in an obvious place, and add them to an index page in good old HTML. Or, if you really wanna use that DB, index their URI and attributes.

Or is there a good reason why not? (Like, you work for Oracle...)


Lee Goddard perl -e "while(1){print rand>0.5?chr 47:chr 92}"

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