> Is it possible to do the same thing with pdf?

Yes, it is, if someone's going to implement it. Another question is if
it makes sense to do this, or better: is it really necessary? I haven't
investigated that, yet. I'm printing in portrait mode usually... I
wonder what you're trying to do.

> AFAIK pdf doesn't have info about page orientation, and as a sequence, you
> have to pass the orientation to the printing application (eg acrobat) so
> that it prints corectly, but I need someone to assert this info..

That's correct. PDF doesn't contain info about page orientation.

> Also, the page size (A3, A4, letter, etc..), AFAIK pdf doesn't have info
> about it either. so even with the right  page sizes you cant configure your
> pdf print application to choose the correct paper size form within the pdf.
> again, you have to pass/set the page size into the application. right?

The PDF contains the extent of each page (width and height) but not a
paper size as in "A4" or "letter". Acrobat Reader has a lot of options
in the GUI to rotate and scale a page before it is printed. The unix
command line of Acrobat Reader has options that need to be set (ex.
-size a4) so the page is transformed to PostScript correctly.

What is your "application"?

> What about formats other than ps and pdf?

There are probably similar issues.

Jeremias Märki

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