Clay Leeds wrote:

What's currently happening:
(I currently have enough FLOW content to print 3 ODD pages). ODD page prints Page 1 of 5, EVEN page (Wahoo!), ODD page (3 of 5), EVEN page (Wahoo!), ODD page (5 of 5), ODD page (6 of 5 -- not Wahoo!). Go back and read that. Yes, it's an ODD page with 5 of 5 and then another ODD page that indicates 6 of 5! D'oh!
Well, show us your pagination definiton (fo:layout-master-set).

Another weird glitch, is that I've got funkiness with FONT rendering where it doesn't properly deal with spacing between words, and also has breaks in underlines that shouldn't be there. I tend to chalk that one up to FOP's weirdness. If I print with a Courier (monospace font), or the default font, I don't have the problem with spacing, although the underlining is still there.
File bug to bugzilla, don't forget to attach an example.

I went there, but it didn't help. I don't want a blank page, I want a page with content.
Usually that's much easier.

This page has information about how to make ODD/EVEN pages with different HEADERs/FOOTERs but it doesn't explain how to have different content on ODD & EVEN pages.
You cannot have different content flow on odd and even pages, but you can use different static content and your government disclaimer is static content as your said. Then you can resize region-before to be 100% of an even page and place there your static stuff:
<fo:simple-page-master master-name="even"
<fo:region-body margin-top="21.7cm"/>
<fo:region-before extent="21.7cm" region-name="foo"/>

<fo:page-sequence master-reference="blabla">
<fo:static-content flow-name="foo">
        <fo:block>government disclaimer</fo:block>

Actually you can place static content to a region-body also, but afaik it doesn't work in FOP.

Oleg Tkachenko
eXperanto team
Multiconn Technologies, Israel

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