On Wednesday 04 December 2002 13:12, Oleg Tkachenko wrote:
> Okay, next attempt: show us how are you running FOP from the
> command line and from an embedding.


thanks for your commitment.

I have set up a test case 
(http://blumenstrasse.vol.at/~mb/foptest.zip, 15KB) with all 
necessary files included. Just copy all of them into a clean FOP 
0.20.4 directory.

Then issue these commands:
./fop.sh -xml lpdoc.xml -xsl lp2pdf.xsl -pdf cli.pdf
./embedtest.sh lpdoc.xml lp2pdf.xsl embed.pdf

The first difference occurs at page 63 of 73.

Best regards!
Matthias Brunner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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