On 13.01.2003 12:36:03 VipinJ wrote:
> We went through a few sites and found that we can write a xsl style
> sheet defining the transformations for fop tags to html related tags.
> The site is : http://www.renderx.com/fo2html.html
> They say we can create html output from FOP. I am going to try that
> out.

That stylesheet has nothing to do with FOP. It's just plain XSLT. But I
guess, it will do what you need.

> If that is successful, cant we do the following to get excel??
> response.setContentType("application/vnd.ms-excel");

You can try, but I don't think you will succeed. The MIME type you
mention specifies an Excel document. Sending HTML to Excel will probably
result in garbage. Sending CSV as Stephan advised has a slightly higher
chance of success.

But I think you're mixing things here. You're talking about a HTML
preview and you're talking about Excel. Is that linked together somehow?
What are trying to accomplish?

Jeremias Maerki

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