I've recently just started using FOP and am having great difficulty
understanding how margins and space-after influence each other.
It's difficult to explain what the problem is without knowing what may be
causing it, so I have included an extract from the .fo document

For some reason the final block after the table and before the page break
gets split over 2 pages, despite the fact that there is very large amounts
of space available. This does not occur if the 'space-after' and
'space-before' attributes are removed from the <fo:block>s within the

So my questions are
(1) why does the page break occur despite the vast amounts of room remaining
on the page?
(2) is this the correct way to add padding to table-cells and if not, what

Many thanks,


Here is an extract from the .fo file:

///////////// BEGIN EXTRACT  ///////////////////////////////////////

<fo:root xmlns:fo="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Format";>
                <fo:simple-page-master background-image="draft.jpg"
margin-right="1.2cm" margin-left="2cm" margin-bottom="2cm" margin-top="2cm"
page-width="21cm" page-height="29.7cm" page-master-name="main">
page-master-even="main" page-master-odd="main" page-master-first="main"/>
<fo:block padding-bottom="10pt" padding-top="10pt" padding-right="10pt"
padding-left="10pt" font-weight="bold" text-align="center"
line-height="(@Size}" font-family="Arial" font-size="14pt"
space-after.optimum="15pt">PLANNING AREAS</fo:block>
                        <fo:block font-weight="Normal" text-align="justify"
space-after.optimum="15pt" line-height="15pt" font-family="Arial"
font-size="12pt">Detailed below are your responses to the planning areas
which were available for discussion:
                        <fo:block space-after="15pt">
border="0.5pt solid black">
space-after="3pt" space-before="3pt" text-align="start" font-family="Arial"
font-weight="bold">NEED AREA</fo:block>
border="0.5pt solid black">
space-after="3pt" space-before="3pt" text-align="start" font-family="Arial"
font-weight="bold">CLIENT RESPONSE</fo:block>
border="0.5pt solid black">
space-after="3pt" space-before="3pt" font-size="10pt" text-align="start"
font-family="Arial" font-weight="">Mortgages &amp; Loans</fo:block>
border="0.5pt solid black">
space-after="3pt" space-before="3pt" font-size="10pt" text-align="start"
font-family="Arial" font-weight="">Agreed for Discussion</fo:block>
border="0.5pt solid black">
space-after="3pt" space-before="3pt" font-size="10pt" text-align="start"
font-family="Arial" font-weight="">Protection - Death</fo:block>
border="0.5pt solid black">
space-after="3pt" space-before="3pt" font-size="10pt" text-align="start"
font-family="Arial" font-weight="">Agreed for Discussion</fo:block>
border="0.5pt solid black">
space-after="3pt" space-before="3pt" font-size="10pt" text-align="start"
font-family="Arial" font-weight="">Protection - Critical Illness</fo:block>
border="0.5pt solid black">
space-after="3pt" space-before="3pt" font-size="10pt" text-align="start"
font-family="Arial" font-weight="">Agreed for Discussion</fo:block>
border="0.5pt solid black">
space-after="3pt" space-before="3pt" font-size="10pt" text-align="start"
font-family="Arial" font-weight="">Protection -
border="0.5pt solid black">
space-after="3pt" space-before="3pt" font-size="10pt" text-align="start"
font-family="Arial" font-weight="">Agreed for Discussion</fo:block>
border="0.5pt solid black">
space-after="3pt" space-before="3pt" font-size="10pt" text-align="start"
font-family="Arial" font-weight="">Protection - Redundancy</fo:block>
border="0.5pt solid black">
space-after="3pt" space-before="3pt" font-size="10pt" text-align="start"
font-family="Arial" font-weight="">Agreed for Discussion</fo:block>
border="0.5pt solid black">
space-after="3pt" space-before="3pt" font-size="10pt" text-align="start"
font-family="Arial" font-weight="">IHT Planning</fo:block>
border="0.5pt solid black">
space-after="3pt" space-before="3pt" font-size="10pt" text-align="start"
font-family="Arial" font-weight="">Agreed for Discussion</fo:block>
border="0.5pt solid black">
space-after="3pt" space-before="3pt" font-size="10pt" text-align="start"
font-family="Arial" font-weight="">Retirement</fo:block>
border="0.5pt solid black">
space-after="3pt" space-before="3pt" font-size="10pt" text-align="start"
font-family="Arial" font-weight="">Agreed for Discussion</fo:block>
border="0.5pt solid black">
space-after="3pt" space-before="3pt" font-size="10pt" text-align="start"
font-family="Arial" font-weight="">General Savings &amp;
border="0.5pt solid black">
space-after="3pt" space-before="3pt" font-size="10pt" text-align="start"
font-family="Arial" font-weight="">Agreed for Discussion</fo:block>
border="0.5pt solid black">
space-after="3pt" space-before="3pt" font-size="10pt" text-align="start"
font-family="Arial" font-weight="">Targeted Savings &amp;
border="0.5pt solid black">
space-after="3pt" space-before="3pt" font-size="10pt" text-align="start"
font-family="Arial" font-weight="">Agreed for Discussion</fo:block>
border="0.5pt solid black">
space-after="3pt" space-before="3pt" font-size="10pt" text-align="start"
font-family="Arial" font-weight="">OMO</fo:block>
border="0.5pt solid black">
space-after="3pt" space-before="3pt" font-size="10pt" text-align="start"
font-family="Arial" font-weight="">Not Applicable</fo:block>
                        <fo:block font-weight="Normal" text-align="justify"
space-after.optimum="15pt" line-height="15pt" font-family="Arial"
font-size="12pt">Where a * is shown, this means you did not wish to discuss
the area now or in the future.
                        <fo:block font-weight="Normal" text-align="justify"
space-after.optimum="15pt" line-height="15pt" font-family="Arial"
font-size="12pt">John Smith - I recommended that a discussion on life cover
should form part of this review.  However, you did not wish to discuss this
need area at the present time.</fo:block>
                        <fo:block font-weight="Normal" text-align="justify"
space-after.optimum="15pt" line-height="15pt" font-family="Arial"
font-size="12pt">My analysis highlighted that you did not have an
inheritance tax liability and therefore no further action was
                        <fo:block font-weight="Normal" text-align="justify"
space-after.optimum="15pt" line-height="15pt" font-family="Arial"
font-size="12pt">The only area of financial planning you wished to discuss
was the Open Market Option available on your [:s Insert free text to detail
name and type of plan]. I recommended that we complete a full financial
review but you did not wish to do so.
                        <fo:block break-before="page"/>


//////////////////END EXTRACT /////////////////////////////////////


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