Disclaimer: I don't have MacOSX available for testing.

On 21.03.2003 18:34:05 Clay Leeds wrote:
> 2003-02-24 09:02:19.679 java[1031] Font GB18030Bitmap: in
> _readBasicMetricsForSize, claims 0 max advance but is fixed-pitch.
> 2003-02-24 09:02:19.733 java[1031] Warning: Font
> LucidaSans-TypewriterBold claims fixed-pitch with 0 max advance!

That's probably coming from the AWT implementation. It's not from FOP. Sounds
like Apple's still not really there, yet. With the JDK, I mean.

> org.apache.fop.apps.FOPException: no protocol: xml_med7_dtd_1.1.dtd

Any improvements if you remove the DTD reference?

Good luck!

Jeremias Maerki

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