This is a followup to a question earlier today.
I have FOP code that runs great from the command line if I put the
fop, batik, avalon, and xalan jars in the JAVA_HOME\jre\lib\ext dir.
If I put this code in a servlet under Tomcat 4.1.24, I get transform errors.
I have tried putting the FOP jars in various Tomcat lib dirs,
in webapps with the servlet, etc.  Everywhere I move these jars
I get different amusing transform exceptions, but it doesn't run.
1)  Where do the jars need to go?
2)  Are there any parser jars that come with Tomcat that need to get removed.
I tried removing the 2 jars that are in /common/endorsed, but that didn't help.
Are there more hiding or embedded somewhere?
This is driving me nuts!
Many thanks!

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