Thanks for the reply.
I would think this would be a VFAQ, but I have seached
the web extensively and not found a good definitive answer.

I'm downloading the latest releases of xerces and xalan.
I'll put the appropriate jars in the lib/endorsed dir and see if it works.

Although there is still the very interesting question of why do the jars I
work from a stand-alone java program when placed in the jre\ext dir,
but don't work from a servlet when placed in the lib\endorsed dir?

Thanks,  Mike

----- Original Message -----
From: "J.Pietschmann" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, September 12, 2003 3:05 PM
Subject: Re: FOP code runs standalone, but not in a Servlet

> Mike Kellstrand wrote:
> > I have FOP code that runs great from the command line if I put the
> > fop, batik, avalon, and xalan jars in the JAVA_HOME\jre\lib\ext dir.
> You should put the xerces and xalan jars in the lib/endorsed
> directory in order to override the buggy xalan release coming
> with older JDK 1.4 distributions. Getting the latest 1.4 release
> and disposing of the Xalan jar completely should work too.
> Also, make sure you have a recent Xalan jar in the FOP lib
> directory, pre 0.20.5rc3 FOP distributions came with Xalan
> releases which pretended to work for some buggy style sheets,
> causing problems with more recent Xalans.
> This all is a VFAQ.
> J.Pietschmann
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