Hello, out there ;-)

I need to build a table with a header line containing an image and a single
line of text. The problem is the image beeing to high to fit into the header
line which causes the header line to be resized vertically to match the
height of the image.

But i need the image to overflow the bottom of the header line (leaving its
height unchanged) so that it flows right into the body area. The problem is
that the overflow property isn't supported yet and a number-rows-spanned
does not seem to work here because header and body rows obviously cannot be

I try to draw what i want to get (view with fixed-width font):

xsl-fo-area   /      in PDF it should look like that
----          /      +---------+
table-header  /      |         |   Some header text ...
----          /      | header- |
              /      |  image  |   first row of table-body
              /      |         |   second row of table-body
table-body    /      +---------+   third row of table-body
              /                      .
              /                      .
              /                      .
              /                      .
----          /

(i hope that makes my problem clear)

As i generate the fo code and the PDF at runtime from different data in a
database, there may occur page breaks cutting the table into several pieces
and the header absolutely has to appear above each piece.
I also tried to use position="relative" with the top and left properties set
but did not get it working although i am sure this should work with the
actual version. Mabe i just don't see the forest for the trees ...

Does anyone have an idea of how to achieve this?
I would really appreciate any hint.

Thanks in advance,

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