> -----Original Message-----
> From: Eduardo Muńoz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]


> I have a web application that generates PDF report
> documents using FOP. A very strange thing happens from
> time to time. Sometimes I generate the report and the
> first word of some texts truncate. This happens for
> text inside tables.
> It is realy weird because it only happens sometimes,
> without making any change to the code. I hope you can
> help me figure out what the problem is.

Well, we'd certainly like to help, but this is very difficult if you're not
going to supply us with any of the code... ;)
So we hope you can help us by posting a sample demonstrating the problem. If
this is impossible somehow, study the cases where it happens *very* closely.
Anything peculiar (maybe about the word that should have ended up there)?
Where exactly does it happen? When the page breaks? (first word in a page)

If you have any more info to provide, please do.



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