Sonke Ruempler wrote:

There is a PHP PEAR module (XML_fo2pdf) that utilizes the java engine and fop, but the JAVA extension of PHP is unstable and does no caching. I was thinking of a "Deamon" that processes the .fo file ...

Once you find out how that can be done, I would then
move away from a FOP command line to an FOP-embedded
program (see
for examples) that you can keep active for your
multiple documents.

I don't know any stable solution and caching embedding solution for PHP :-(

any solutions or further hints so far?
we are setting up a web application which allows our customers to buy online tickets to events from our event calender. the ticket is produced as pdf and the customer can print it out at home. the generation of the tickets lasts a few seconds, we are using several komplex svg-graphics and barcode and other stuff to produce a "not-so-easy-to-fake-ticket".

so we would like to see a very fast pdf generation. our environment is perl on linux. whicht tipps to speed up generation? so far it seems to make not much differnce wheter i call fop

fop -xsl ticket.xsl -xml ticket.xml -c myconfig.xml -pdf ticket.pdf

or first produce the fo-file with xalan and then do

fop -fo -pdf ticket.pdf

so it seems that the xslt-transformation is not time consuming, it is only one page of pdf, so it should be no problem...


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