J.Pietschmann wrote:

Somehow suspect you got something wrong. The uri() is for
XSLFO sources, SVG uses XLink which ought to use plain URIs.
Don't confuse the two.


that was the problem.

when using

<svg:font-face-uri xlink:href="file:///path/to/fonts.svg#BoldSVG">

it is working like a charm ;-)

it is sometimes hard, when you try use stuff you not really know very well. it was a hard process of trial and error to get all the stuff working. but now i can gernate pdfs from my webapp. the pdf contains some svg-graphs, some are embedded in the xsl-file some are external and i also use a special font to "print" text in svg....

time wget "http://localhost:8080/fop?xsl=in.xsl&xml=in.xml&pdf=out.xml"; -O out.log


  real 2.27s
  user 0.009s
  sys  0.003s

Note that you timed the download process, which is not the
same as the creation.

no, sorry

maybe i had to tell, that i am using a "FopFile"-servlet, patched from the example-servlet. my servlet only returns a "<h1>finished</h1>", the PDF (220k) is written to the file system.

I also doubt that JVM start&warmup is
really 4 seconds, unless you used a rather outdated machine
for the CLI measurement. I'd think there is some caching

both times are taken from the same machine. i use the java that was coming with suse 9.0

        Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 1.4.2b28, mixed mode)

i have put some logging in the servlet (times with millisec):

13.08.2004 22:27:34 223 [Fop] start pdf=1234.pdf - xml=1234.xml
[WARNING] 13.08.2004 22:27:34 223 -- 1) Caling XSLTInputHandler
[WARNING] 13.08.2004 22:27:34 273 -- 2) Caling renderXML
[WARNING] 13.08.2004 22:27:34 273 -- 3) new Driver
[WARNING] 13.08.2004 22:27:34 274 --     driver.render
[WARNING] 13.08.2004 22:27:37 843 --     driver.render finish
[WARNING] 13.08.2004 22:27:37 844 -- 4) new File
[WARNING] 13.08.2004 22:27:37 846 -- 5) Output ready
13.08.2004 22:27:37 846 [Fop] stop pdf=1234.pdf xml=1234.xml

i am sure, there is some additional optimation, like
also the above logging is done very simple...

but this is the first time that i am hacking a java-programme.

the next challenge is to include the coding from pdftrans to the servlet, so that i can set doc-info and security of the pdf...

at the moment i use a combination of fop and pdftrans - both called from a shell-script - to get the final pdf... with the tomcat solution i can save some seconds and reduce the time our users have to wait until the "you can download your ticket"-link apears in the browsers...

sorry for all that trouble ;-)


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