On Feb 9, 2005, at 12:47 AM, Dennis Myrén wrote:
>Unfortunately, I get an error when I try to view those links:
>HTTP Error 403.6 - Forbidden: IP address of the client has been rejected.
>Internet Information Services (IIS)

<x-tad-bigger>That was really awkward, and not what I intended.</x-tad-bigger>

<x-tad-bigger>The </x-tad-bigger><x-tad-bigger> should work by now. Sorry about that.</x-tad-bigger>

<x-tad-bigger>Here they are again:</x-tad-bigger>




I got them, and they downloaded and opened fine on my machine.

>BTW I have a couple of questions:
>- if we like what we see (I get an error--see below), can we post this example PDF?
>- if we like what we see (I get an error--see below), can we post the input files (XSL-FO, XML, XSLT, etc.)?

Of course you are free to do that.

Excellent, please do me/us a favor (I hope it's not too much to ask!):
1. ZIP the input files*.xml, *.xsl, *.fo, *.jpg, *.tif, etc. (whatever files used to create these) and Sample1.pdf, Sample2.pdf & Sample3.pdf files.
2. Create a new "BUG" in bugzilla and attach these the ZIP file containing all of the files.

Of course, it would help to have the information in there translated to English, since (I suspect) that is the most 'common' language used for FOP development.

>Perhaps after you've participated in the FOP community for some time, and your name becomes familiar to us (and hopefully >made some contributions to the code! :-p) you may be invited to become a committer for Apache FOP!

I will do my best to get there!

We look forward to 'seeing' you around...

Maybe I could implement support for CMYK and Spot colors to get started, if this is of interest to you.

Would’nt this be cool?:

<fo:block color=”spot(‘PANTONE 1205 C’, 1.0)”>Hello FOP</fo:block>

That would be cool, and help many, many people! Thanks!

Web Maestro Clay
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My religion is simple. My religion is kindness.
- HH The 14th Dalai Lama of Tibet

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