Hope this code might helps you


import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.net.URL;
import java.nio.channels.FileLock;
import java.util.Properties;

 * Class to have the current application relaunched with enough memory.
 * <p>
 * Usage:
 *         public static void main(String[] argv)
 *         {
 *            try
 *            {
 *               new needMemory().needMemory(400, argv); // 400Mb
limit, 200Mb initial.
 *              .......................
 * @author     J.F.Lanting
 * @since      07-Oct-2002
public final class NeedMemory
    * Environment variable to check for recursive re-launching
   private final static String launchToken = "RELAUNCHEDFORHEAP";

    * Checks if enough memory is available to the VM for this
application and optionally re-launches it.
    * <p>
    * If not, the application is re-launched from this copy with:<BR>
    * - the same commandline and<BR>
    * - the same JAVA release.<BR>
    * The operation fails or is blocked because:<BR>
    * 1) this is already a re-launch (something must be wrong),<BR>
    * 2) the amount of memory asked for is > 1500Mb which is out of reach.<BR>
    * The first situation is controlled by a property: 'launchToken'.<BR>
    * We relaunch the application with initially 50% of the heap limit
    * </p>
    * @param needed # of Mb to establish.
    * @param commandLine the command line as appearing in 'main()'.
    * @throws Exception for excess needs or recursive launches (a bug?).
   public void needMemory(int needed, String[] programCommandLine)
throws Exception
   long available;                     // What we've got.
   String javaPath;                    // The path to java or java.exe
   URL u;                              // The URL to this class from
the classloader.
   String programPath = null;          // The path to this .jar or
.class if any.
   File directory;                     // Directory of the .jar or .class file.
   boolean isJarFile;                  // If this is run from a .jar file.
   String[] commandVector;             // The new commandline for re-launch.
   String s;
   int i;

      if((available = toMegaBytes(Runtime.getRuntime().maxMemory())) < needed)
         if(needed > 1500)
            throw new Exception
               ("IMPOSSIBLE TO MEET REQUEST FOR " + needed + " Mb MEMORY.");
         if(System.getProperty(launchToken) != null)
            throw new Exception("FATAL RECURSION IN RE-LAUNCH");

// Where did I come from ?

         u = getClass().getResource("needMemory.class");
         if(u == null)
            throw new Exception("CAN'T FIND MY OWN CLASS FILE.");

// Determine the path to a class-file or to a jar-file from the classloader URL:

         s = u.getPath();
         if(s.startsWith("file:/"))    // It's a jar-file.
            isJarFile = true;
            if(File.separatorChar == '/') // UNIX|LINUX
               s = s.substring(5);     // Leaves a / alone.
               s = s.substring(6);     // Strips the / away.

            if((i = s.indexOf("!/")) > 0)
               s = s.substring(0, i);  // Deletes the internal jar path.
            commandVector = new String[6 + programCommandLine.length];
         else                          // In a class file.
            isJarFile = false;
               s = s.substring(1);     // Waste the /.
            if((i = s.indexOf(".class")) > 0)
               s = s.substring(0, i);  // Drop the extension.
            commandVector = new String[5 + programCommandLine.length];

         if(s.indexOf("%20") >= 0) // Incase the URL contained them.
            s = s.replaceAll("%20", " ");
         programPath = s;

// Where to find java[w] :

         javaPath = System.getProperty("java.home");
         if(File.separatorChar == '/') // UNIX|LINUX
            javaPath += "/bin/java";
            javaPath += "\\bin\\javaw.exe";

// Prepare new commandline :

         commandVector[0] = javaPath;

         needed = (int)(needed * 1.01 + 1); // Allow 1% more plus one.

         commandVector[1] = "-Xms" + (needed / 2) + "m"; // Initial heap.
         commandVector[2] = "-Xmx" + needed + "m"; // Maximum heap.
         commandVector[3] = "-D" + "RELAUNCHEDFORHEAP" + "=1";

         directory = new File(programPath);
            commandVector[4] = "-jar";
            commandVector[5] = directory.getName();
            i = 6;
            commandVector[4] = directory.getName();
            i = 5;
         directory = directory.getParentFile();

         for(int j = 0;  j < programCommandLine.length;  ++j, ++i)
            commandVector[i] = programCommandLine[j];

// Log the action :

         for(i = 0;  i < commandVector.length;  ++i)
            if(i == 0)
               s = commandVector[0];
               s += " " + commandVector[i];
            "+++ Re-launch, heap=" + available
            + "Mb, requested=" + needed
            + "Mb, from directory " + directory.getAbsolutePath()
            + ", commandline="

// Re-launch :

         i = launch(commandVector, directory);
         if(i < 0)
            System.out.println("*** RE-LAUNCH ATTEMPT FAILED.");
            System.out.println("### End of re-launch.");

    * Executes an application and waits for completion.
    * <p>
    * For execution <u>without</u> waiting see also <b>Sy.execute()</b>,<BR>
    * for execution with tethers (pipes) see also <b>Sy.tether()</b>.<BR>
    * <u>NOTE:</u> a failing execution just returns <b>-1</b>.<p>
    * A sample call is:<BR>
    *   <b>result = launch(new String[] { "df", "-k", fileName},
"OUTPUT" );</b></p>
    * @param commandVector  Command line as array.
    * @param dir directory in which the process runs.
    * @return Exit status from the command.
   public int launch(String[] commandVector, File dir)
   Process p;
   int exitValue = -1;

      if((p = execute(commandVector, dir)) != null)
            exitValue = p.waitFor();
         catch(InterruptedException e)
            exitValue = -1;

    * Executes an application in a directory, without waiting for it
and returns the Process object.
    * @param commandVector  command line as String array.
    * @param dir directory in which the process runs.
    * @return Process object for the child process.
   public static Process execute(String[] commandVector, File dir)
   Process p;

         p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(commandVector, null, dir);
      catch(IOException e)
         p = null;

    * Returns a number of bytes as Mb, rounded up.
    * @param m # of bytes
    * @return the # of Mb.
   public static long toMegaBytes(long m)
      return((m / 1024 + 512) / 1024);


On Thu, 24 Feb 2005 09:58:28 -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Can we set the memory programmaticaly?
> Thanks
> Rohit
>                       Chris Bowditch
>                       <[EMAIL PROTECTED]         To:      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>                       otmail.com>               cc:
>                                                 Subject: Re: Out of Memory 
> problem
>                       02/24/2005 04:25
>                       AM
>                       Please respond to
>                       fop-user
> Manisha Sathe wrote:
> > I am trying for one Chinese PDF. When i do not make use of Arial Unicode
> > MS font then i do not get this error. All chinese characters are
> > displayed as #. Once i use this font then i get this error (even if it
> > is just 2-3 pages long - sometimes at very beginning i get the 1 page
> > report - after that even not that)
> >
> > I tried the the things mentined such as reduce the size of image, page
> > sequence (do not know how to increase the JVM memory on fly) - also
> > reset the Cache etc what ever given in docs, but still same.
> To increase JVM memory, just change your FOP.bat or whatever script starts
> your Java VM and specify command line parameter -Xmx256M. The default is
> 64Mb,
> which isnt sufficient due to the large number of glyphs in The Arial
> Unicode font.
> <snip/>
> Chris
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