Title: Performance: Caching Fonts, stylesheets
FOP is not using any stylesheet to render a pure XSL-FO document into PDF. Do you create a temporary XSL-FO file with RTF2FO or are you sending SAX-Events or a DOM to FOP?
BTW, we are also distributing an RTF to XSL-FO processor, called JFO, that already comes with integration for FOP and other renderers. We are sending SAX-Events to FOP immediatelly after converting from RTF to XSL-FO. This saves a lot of time, because no XML stream must be parsed. I would be happy if you could download the latest build of JFO and make some tests. ;-)
Sascha Schmidt

Sent: Thursday, December 01, 2005 4:15 PM
To: fop-users@xmlgraphics.apache.org
Subject: Performance: Caching Fonts, stylesheets


currently I try to to increase the performance in my FO2PDF process.
I have a complex 2 page rtf document, which is converted manually by RTF2FO. The FO to PDF process takes about 4 secs.
I am using already a driver pool.

Removing the true type fonts in the config xml saves approximately 1 second. Can these fonts be cached somewhow ?
Is FOP using xslt to render the PDF ? Would a cashed stylesheet then be an optimization ?

Is there anything else I can do ?

Thanx, Thomas

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