"J.Pietschmann" <[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

You mean "via DocBook XSLT", don't you?

Sorry yes; to be more explicit, I should have said we create the .fo file indirectly (by processing DocBook XML files through Saxon), then run the .fo file through Fop to create the PDF.

With FOP 0.25, if the graphics were too wide to fit the page, they appear to have been automatically resized; otherwise, they remained the same intrinsic size. There was no need to set any imagedata element attributes, even though some graphics were wider than the actual width of the document.

Here's an example of an imagedata element from one of our docs:

           <imagedata fileref="images/payment_account_types.png" />

I will also ask on the docBook-app list about this problem (I already have posted there), but I'd hoped someone here would know in what way image processing has changed between FOP 0.25 and 0.92. Do I need to set imagedata scaling attributes (as discussed at http://www.sagehill.net/docbookxsl/ImageSizing.html) in future?




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