FOP (at least the current version from Subversion) logs configuration

[INFO] FopFactory - font-base set to: file:/home/simon/programmeren/fop/


When I configure a metrics file which FOP cannot locate, I get an

[ERROR] FOP - Exception <java.lang.RuntimeException: Cannot load font:
failed to create Source from metrics file arial.xml>

So, when you do not get an exception, at least the metrics file was

I hope this helps. 


On Wed, Dec 13, 2006 at 12:54:27PM +0100, Kris Wolff wrote:
> Hi folks,
> i try very hard to enable a font but without any result. This morning  
> i went to bed and hoped it helps.. but today i stuck in the same  
> place. Font is not working.
> Maybe you can help me.
> I am using Fop 0.90 with Tomcat 5.5. on a Mac.
> I graped a ttf font and build the xml:
> --<
> # java org.apache.fop.fonts.apps.TTFReader /tmp/calligra.ttf  ./ 
> calligra.xml
> TTF Reader for Apache FOP SVN tags/fop-0_90-alpha1
> Parsing font...
> Reading /tmp/calligra.ttf...
> Number of glyphs in font: 247
> 3 cmap tables
> CMAP format: 4
> Creating xml font file...
> Creating CID encoded metrics...
> Writing xml font file ./calligra.xml...
> This font contains no embedding license restrictions.
> XML font metrics file successfullly created.
> <--
> than i moved the font and the generated xml to a dir names /fonts  
> inside my Web-Tree.
> I Edited the conf for FOP
> Basedir ist the WEB-INF/classes directory.
> in <renderer mime="application/pdf"> under <fonts> i build a tag like:
> -->
> <font metrics-url="../../fonts/calligra.xml" kerning="yes" embed- 
> url="../../fonts/calligra.ttf">
>     <font-triplet name="Calligrapher" style="normal" weight="normal"/>
> </font>
> <--
> I edit the xsl:
> -->
>   <fo:block font-family="Calligrapher" font-size="72pt">
>            <xsl:value-of select="text()"/>
>        </fo:block>
> <--
> I run the app and get:
> -->
> Dec 13, 2006 12:46:21 PM org.apache.fop.fonts.FontInfo  
> notifyFontReplacement
> WARNING: Font 'Calligrapher,normal,400' not found. Substituting with  
> default font.
> <--
> Do i have somthing forgotten?
> Thanks in advanced.
> Kris
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