<<NACS_17_tentcard.svg>> He 
<<f0b6414e9676a3afb5bdc5f7cf8bf6d9_2355.fo>> llo everyone,

on friday i wrote an email about an exception that appeart while i was
trying to use an svg image in FOP 0.25.. Now i have encountered another
Problem which i cannot really explain by myself. I attached an fo file
and a svg image used in the fo. When i try to render this fo as an PDF
Fop seems to be running into an infinite Loop.
The PDF which should be about 8 pages long is looped over 100000 pages
>_>. Killing the process after about 100k pages showed me a PDF File
which was about 300MB big and could not be opened in Adobe Acrobat

Here is a slice of the output FOP generates...it rendered about 5
seconds...then i killed the process.

[INFO] Using org.apache.xerces.parsers.SAXParser as SAX2 Parser
[INFO] Using org.apache.xerces.parsers.SAXParser as SAX2 Parser
[INFO] FOP @version@
[INFO] Using org.apache.xerces.parsers.SAXParser as SAX2 Parser
[INFO] building formatting object tree
[INFO] setting up fonts
[INFO] [1]
[INFO] Using org.apache.xerces.parsers.SAXParser as SAX2 Parser
[INFO] [2]
[INFO] [3]
[INFO] [4]
[INFO] [5]
[INFO] [6]
[INFO] [6064]
[INFO] [6065]
[INFO] [6066]
[INFO] [6067]
[INFO] [6068]

Do you have any ideas about what is wrong with that svg?

Best regards,


Attachment: NACS_17_tentcard.svg
Description: Binary data

Attachment: f0b6414e9676a3afb5bdc5f7cf8bf6d9_2355.fo
Description: Binary data

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