Vincenzo Mazzeo wrote:

Hi all,
I have upgraded fop from 0.25 to 0.93 and I have some troubles with tables.

1. On page break table doesn't have the bottom border even if I set it.

This is because of border conditionality. Table borders are not painted at the start/end of a reference area by default. You have to add property table-border.conditionality="retain"

2. On the last page, if there isn't enough data, table doesn't fill all
available space even if I set the 'height' attribute to 100%.

height attribute has no affect on a table. IIUC, then there is no way to stretch a table so that it fills an entire page using XSL-FO 1.1.

Moreover I have some cells with the 'display-align' attribute set to
'after'. Because of I can't use the 'keep-together' attribute on rows,
it happens that if a row is shared on two pages the 'display-align'
doesn't work and the value appears on the former page instead of the latter.

I don't follow this bit. What do you mean by a table-row being shared between 2 pages. Do you mean you have some cells spanning 2 rows, whilst other cells are not?



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