On Mar 14, 2007, at 02:41, Daniel Noll wrote:

Is there a particular reason why when I have a font- weight="bolder", it
doesn't actually make the text any bolder?

Perhaps because "bolder" isn't implemented yet... :-\

http://xmlgraphics.apache.org/fop/compliance.html#fo-property-font- weight

<snip />
I wonder why it wasn't just aliased to "bold" until a better option became available.

Weird, the property resolution code to compute the correct value for "bolder" seems to be OK, so I always thought this was implemented, but now that you mention it, I went looking and it seems no tests have been added to check for this.

The sad thing is that tools like CSS2XSLFO output "bolder" for a <b> tag, so I have to post-process its FO to change them all to bold.

As a temporary workaround, one could easily implement that post- processing via XSLT. Identity transform for everything but the attribute "font-weight" when it has a value of "bolder".

Anyway, I'm going to look into this ASAP.



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