Hi Andrea,

Andrea Aime a écrit :
> Hi,
> in one application I have the need to have multiple footnotes,
> all having the same inline element (say "(1)") refer the same
> body in the page footer area. Basically, this is a catalogue,
> and footnotes are used to provide extra informations. Many
> articles in the same page may have the same accessory information,
> that we want to write just once at the end of the page.
> The list is long, so the list may overflow on the next page,
> if so, the foot element will have to be repeated again.
> I don't think this is supported by xsl-fo, but I have would
> be happy to be proven wrong.

It seems that markers should do the trick (fo:marker,
fo:retrieve-table-marker), but having never played with them I can't say
for sure. Perhaps someone having some experience with them will be able
to help you.

> If not supported, how difficult would it be to alter FOP
> in order to support this requirement? Could you give me any
> hint/direction?
> Oh, the list of articles is in a table, so I would have to
> fix footnotes not working within a table too (I see there's
> an open bug with attached patches there, but for some reason
> it has been lingering for over an year...).

Hmmm, indeed. I'm just learning its existence :-\ Well, given the heavy
changes that are being performed in this area, I'm afraid it might
become unapplicable soon. A fix shouldn't be expected before... some time.


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