Sorry, I am using FOP 0.93, and a sample of the FO file is below -- note that it renders the list-item-label text in bold when outputting in PDF form, but only renders them in plain text when outputting to RTF.


-=-=-=-=-=- SAMPLE -=-=-=-=-=-

<fo:root xmlns:fo='' xmlns:m='http://' font-family='Helvetica'>
<fo:simple-page-master margin-left='0.75in' master-name='normal- page' page-width='8.5in' page-height='11in' margin-bottom='.5in' margin-top='.5in' margin-right='0.75in'> <fo:region-body region-name='body' margin-bottom='0.7in' margin-top='1in' />
  <fo:page-sequence master-reference='normal-page'>
    <fo:flow flow-name='body' font-size='11pt'>

        <fo:table table-layout='fixed'>
          <fo:table-body border='1px solid white'>

              <fo:table-cell border='1px solid white' width='0.5in'>
                <fo:block font-weight='bold'>1</fo:block>
              <fo:table-cell border='1px solid white' width='3.5in'>
<fo:block space-after='5pt' font-weight='bold'>Which of the following resources would be most valuable for a student doing research about the life cycle of a frog?</fo:block>
                <fo:block space-before='10pt'>
<fo:list-block provisional-distance-between- starts='6.5mm'>

<fo:list-item-label font-weight='bold' end- indent='label-end()'>
                      <fo:list-item-body start-indent='body-start()'>
                        <fo:block space-after='2pt' space-before='2pt'>
                          <fo:block>Science book about frogs</fo:block>

<fo:list-item-label font-weight='bold' end- indent='label-end()'>
                      <fo:list-item-body start-indent='body-start()'>
                        <fo:block space-after='2pt' space-before='2pt'>
<fo:block>A short story entitled "Jumping Frogs"</fo:block>

<fo:list-item-label font-weight='bold' end- indent='label-end()'>
                      <fo:list-item-body start-indent='body-start()'>

                        <fo:block space-after='2pt' space-before='2pt'>
                          <fo:block>Map of frog habitats</fo:block>
<fo:list-item-label font-weight='bold' end- indent='label-end()'>

                      <fo:list-item-body start-indent='body-start()'>
                        <fo:block space-after='2pt' space-before='2pt'>
<fo:block>Dictionary entry for "Frogs"</ fo:block>


On Jun 18, 2007, at 12:17 PM, Adrian Cumiskey wrote:

Hi Deryl,

Which version of FOP are you using? It would be really helpful if you include the FO file in full.



Deryl Seale wrote:
I am trying to render a numbered (well, lettered really) list in RTF format, but FOP doesn't apply the styles I specify. I have tried the following:
<fo:list-item-label end-indent="label-end()" font-weight="bold">
<fo:block><xsl:number count="qti:simpleChoice" format="A"/></fo:block>
<fo:list-item-label end-indent="label-end()">
<fo:block font-weight="bold"><xsl:number count="qti:simpleChoice" format="A"/></fo:block>
Both of these correctly make the label for the list item bold, but in RTF, the label is just plain text. Any idea if this is a known bug, and if so, where I might poke around to fix it?
Deryl Seale -- Director of Engineering
c: 734.883.9636

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Deryl Seale -- Director of Engineering
c: 734.883.9636

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